AdSynergy Blog: Calling All Bloggers. Help us help you!

The Concept

The concept of is to help publishers and advertisers to directly connect, and support them to make deals they can't make on other advertising platforms.

We think an ad buying and selling community can offer real advantages to both buyers and sellers. Direct communication opens up some possibilities that don't exist with typical ad networks. Here is a quick example:

Fashion Blog Example:

A fashion blog keeps the content fresh and fun, featuring a dozen designers. The blogger contacts the designers and some of them agree to buy ad space because it is right "on topic", they are featured on the blog and the blog compliments their brand.
Case 1: The blog has an attached store: agreements are to run CPM ads at a premium rate as the viewer is highly qualified and close to a purchase point (the blog store).
Case 2: The blog does not have a store: agreements are to run CPC ads at a premium rate as the viewer is highly qualified and the advertisement will take them to a purchase point.

The fundamental question is: Would highly relevant ads help improve your revenue, your traffic or your brand?

The Survey

Please take the survey below and let us know what you think.


  • Approve each and every ad displayed on your website.
  • Earn premium revenue from ads that relate to your content and reinforce your brand.
  • Improve your ROI by dealing directly with advertisers.
  • and more ...


  • Place your ads on the sites you want and in the locations where you want them.
  • See impressions, clicks and response by campaign, site and page location..
  • Find opportunities for premium placement or bargain rates.
  • and more ..., Networking Advertisers & Publishers
The Ad Space Social Marketplace